
Jon Duclos
Owner, President
Terry Sullivan
VP of Sales & Marketing
Paul Sopsic
Sales Manager
Paul Sopsic
Sales Manager
Lindsey Hudson
Inside Sales & Service Supervisor
Anna Yang
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Bailee Kenning
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Christina Mikesell
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Cindy Bailey
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Claire Zophy
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Dolores Peltzer
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Elizabeth Schuck
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Lexie Meuers-Cepress
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Maliza Thao
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Mike Newton
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Samantha Yang
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Zoe Kelly-Soldner
Inside Sales & Service Representative
Paul Sopsic
Sales Manager
April Marshall
Regional Sales Manager
Brad Hobbs
Regional Sales Manager
Jim McClernon
Regional Sales Manager
Mark Paepke
Brand Manager
Rhonda Littlefield
Regional Sales Manager
Skip LaValle
Regional Sales Manager
Travis Nelssen
Brand Manager
Walter Buss
Regional Sales Manager
Angie DonCarlos
Dave Gasparac
Sr. Buyer
Dave LaFond
Jessica Bach
Katie Bleichner
Product Line Manager
Melissa Schmidt
Product Line Manager
Terry Sullivan
VP of Sales & Marketing
Lena Janachovsky
Marketing Manager
Maddie Duclos
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Mark Paepke
Brand Manager
Travis Nelssen
Brand Manager
Monica Sanders
ALS Accounting Supervisor
Chad Frischmann
Vendor Programs Specialist
Jaclyn Ott
Accounts Payable Clerk
Jaquelin Kurschner
Credit Coordinator
Kari Lindquist
Accounting Clerk
Jen Grams
Vendor Programs Coordinator
Kathy Sawyer
Chief Accountant
Kiaya Johnson
Credit Coordinator
Marie Ngaling
Credits & Returns Representative
Sara Kennedy
Credit Manager
Matt Pawlikowski
Information Systems Manager
Alec Gustafson
Information Systems EDI Specialist
Cody Dang
Information Systems Project Coordinator
Nate Elliott
Information Systems Project Coordinator